Sunday, November 29, 2015

Any last words? - Anything else?

Last words? 
I guess this is it. 

The "real" me?

I pray every morning to make someone's day
even if i'll never know it.

I still blow on dandelions
and wish for summer rain.

I couldn't live without my cartoons.

Four married siblings,
six nephews,
three nieces.
I love them all.

I'm gonna get ridiculed for this one,
but I'm a morning person,

I write in Evernote
because it's that much farther away from the publish button.

I am an ice cream enthusiast 
and too lazy to be healthy.
(but someday I'll probably regret it)

I work at a grocery store
with Bueford the cow.

I don't really like it there.

 I've kissed one boy ever.
But that doesn't matter.

When I was in fourth grade I wanted to be an author.
I don't know what I was thinking, because I never really loved writing.
I'm sorry to say, but I still don't have any confidence in that area.

I'm not an author,
I'm not even a writer.

But I do call myself an artist,
and I love what I do.

You might not know me, 
and I wouldn't really blame you if you didn't.

Sometimes i'm quiet,
and that's okay.

I'm not hiding

To be honest,
I never really was.


The "real" me?

My name is Keli Elizabeth Capel.
And, as always, Spell Check says that's wrong.

But that's okay,
because I am so much more than my name.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Laughter Lines

Some people try so hard to hide their wrinkles.
But I never will,
because every moment with you was worth the creases around my smile.

Yes, I miss you.
Every day I think of you.
But when I look in the mirror, I don't see tear stained cheeks,
I see those laughter lines.

And when we're together again
We'll share our tears and our stories,
but best of all, we'll share our smiles.
The smiles that have seen so much more since we said goodbye.

I'll see you
in the future
when we're older.
When we are full
of stories to be told.
Cross my heart,
and hope to die,
I'll see you,
with your laughter lines.

A poem to a dear friend, inspired by the song Laughter Lines by Bastille.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

This is your heart, can you feel it?

On the stage
or the field.
the lights
and the crowd.
that last note
in my ears.

loving what I can create.
I am an artist.
and passion filling my soul.
If I love this song enough, maybe you will too.

Expressing music, or what it feels like to create it, through words is just so hard to do.
But let me tell you,

Music is power.

My life and my love,
and most of all, my passion.

Music is my heart.

Thursday, November 5, 2015


A hundred blue tickets,
each completely unique and precisely in place.
I look at the number but the word says

A source of life and a symbol of hope.
The lonely, humble, giants of the universe.
Go too far and you've lost their light,
too close and you burn
Written so small and so simply on the back of a little blue ticket.
Yet it represents so much.
Light and guidance and protection and
As human beings we keep looking up,
from our darkest places we reach.
Not to the deep night sky, but to the stars that light it.

Our hope lies just beyond the horizon,
Somewhere within those stars.

So look up.
The darkness Is just an illusion.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

How to Remember

1. Take lots of pictures. Even if you think you look ugly. (Because no matter how you look, the memory will always be beautiful.)

2. Don't be afraid to talk about your best moments. Even if no one else can really relate to it.

3. Just think. Even if it's just for that brief moment before you fall asleep.

4. Write. Even if you hate it, keep a journal and write every day. And don't you dare forget this step.

5. Don't forget to live in the moment, you're still alive, and the memories are still coming.

6. Express yourself, through art or music or anything, but make it mean something to you.

7. Do something, get out there and create your story. 

8. Cry. Because sometimes it's hard to leave things behind, and crying can be a stress reliever.

9. Fall in love with what you're doing. If you don't love what you do, you should probably change something. (Even if it's just your attitude.)

10. Listen to music or the rain or the people around you. Take it all in and let it fill you.

11. Just smile. It happened, it's over, it changed your life.